Media Mentions.

Sharing insights and knowledge.
When Facebook changed its name to Meta, interest among in the metaverse skyrocketed not only among managers and consumers, but also in the media. The team of the XRLab@MCM is happy to take part in the resulting broader societal conversation about the metaverse, offering insights that we have derived from our scientific exploration and analysis of the phenomenon. Feel free to listen to and read some of our media appearances here.
PwC TechTalks
Nilusha Aliman from our XRLab was a guest on PwC’s global ‘TechTalks’ series, hosted by Jeremy Dalton, to present findings from the lab’s recently published working paper on meetings in the metaverse.
Alongside co-author André Henke, she discussed the findings of one of their studies, which compares a 45-minute meeting in virtual reality with a 45-minute meeting via videoconferencing as part of the PI-planning event held by the German Ministry of the Interior and Sport of the German State of Lower Saxony.
Check out the TechTalks episode to hear about the findings, or read our full working paper here: Research & Publications
METAVERSE - The Podcast
In the latest episode of Thomas Riedel's podcast "Metaverse Podcasts", he talks to ProfTHT about everything that scientific research has found out so far about the benefits of social VR. And about why you shouldn't trust every headline on the web, especially if it contains the term "Metaverse". A conversation only really with overlength! ;)
Podcast now available at Spotify!
Wirtschaft aktuell - Der Podcast
The metaverse - megatrend or marketing hype?
Answers to this question are provided by metaverse expert Professor Dr. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau from the Chair of Marketing and Media in the Wirtschaft aktuell podcast.
Podcast now available at Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Youtube!
epd Film
“Wovon träumt das Metaverse”
Fiction movies have been designing computer worlds that are "walkable" - via avatar - for decades. Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg is now crafting the social network in three dimensions on a grand scale.
Prof. Thorsten Hennig-Thurau and Prof. Lisa Gotto on vision, reality and virtual movie theaters.
Authority Magazine
“Makers of The Metaverse”
Fotis Georgiadis from Authority Magazine had a very special guest for his article on the metaverse: Prof. Sebastian Hohenberg of McCombs School of Business.
You should certainly keep an eye out for Sebastian and his work, if you want to know more about the future of VR, AR, Mixed Reality and the metaverse.
In the meantime, check out his interview and learn about his journey to the XR industry, his thoughts on the most exciting and most concerning things about XR and his personal guidelines on how to create a successful career with AR, VR or Mixed Reality.
Net New – Der Meta Podcast
“#1 Metaversum - Die Zukunft des Internets”
Check out Meta’s and OMR’s new metaverse-podcast episode! “Net New - der Meta Podcast” is produced by the people at OMR in cooperation with Meta. For their first episode ProfTHT was invited to share a few words about how the metaverse is affecting our lives and what we at the XRLab have to do with it. Minute 14:40 is where it gets interesting ;-)
Harvard Business Manager
“Auf ins Metaverse”
“Have you been in the metaverse yet? If not, you should sign in to one of the 3D-Worlds straight away.” says Ingmar Höhmann, executive editor at Harvard Business Manager, after speaking to ProfTHT and Björn Ognibeni about their article in the July issue of his magazine.
Many companies have already realized projects in the metaverse: employee trainings at Siemens Gamesa, a virtual showroom by Windmöller & Hölscher Gruppe and “Beatland” by Deutsche Telekom in Roblox. Now, ProfTHT and Björn Ognibeni explain in three steps how managers, for their part, can use the metaverse for their own company.
For more detailed insights into the topic feel free to head to our Research & Publications section and have a look at our working paper #2.
FAZ Podcast für Deutschland
“Metaverse: Digitale Hoffnung oder Endzeitvision? (1/2)”
“Podcast für Deutschland” the podcast format by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has devoted its June 2 episode to the metaverse. For this first part of the episode, Sandra Klüber talked to different guests who shared their opinions on the metaverse:
Specific tips from ProfTHT about getting started (“how do I get into the metaverse?”), an outlook on the economic development of the metaverse, paired with smart movie recommendations from the FAZ-Feuilleton and a philosophic take on the metaverse.
MHP – A Porsche Company
“Join the Metavolution”
The team from MHP – A Porsche Company has published a cool article on our favorite topic: the metaverse. At times, content marketing is pretty good journalism – like this piece by Sven Heitkamp.
And who better to consult about the metaverse than ProfTHT who happily shared his knowledge and that of the XRLab with the author.
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
“Welcome to the metaverse”
A comprehensive article by Gabriel Rinaldi in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that tries to answer the question what the metaverse is all about – ProfTHT was there to provide some answers. The journalist visits the (virtual) Marketing Center and talks with Academic Director ProfTHT about "everything metaverse" in three video interviews conducted in three different virtual worlds. The article is free to read (and watch!).
“#10 Prof. Hennig-Thurau”
ProfTHT was the guest of the tenth's episode of Louis Schulze's Futur3 podcast. He provided evidence that chatting to a Professor can actually be fun, but also talked about his journey to the metaverse and the XRLab as well as the impact, applications and future directions of the metaverse.
Die Crypto Nerd Show
“#45 Metaverse with Björn Ognibeni”
In episode #45 of “Die Crypto Nerd Show”, a podcast that revolves around the fascinating topics of cryptocurrencies, the spotlight is on the Metaverse and China; two topics our strategic Lab Director Björn Ognibeni is very familiar with and was therefore invited for this new episode.
Westfälische Nachrichten
“An extraordinary interview in the metaverse”
Watch the original interview for the Westfälische Nachrichten article between Carsten Vogel and ProfTHT.
On their trip through different virtual spaces, the interviewer and ProfTHT talked about the applications of the metaverse and the great collaboration we and our students already experienced in the metaverse.
Westfälische Nachrichten
“Everything you need to know about the metaverse - almost everything”
Münster’s newspaper Westfälische Nachrichten published a fantastic article about the metaverse – nothing about hype-stuff or any Buzz-words. Instead, a serious, comprehensible, and motivated approach to a topic that is about to change our world.
Future Candy
“Metaverse special with Björn Ognibeni”
Our strategic Lab Director Björn Ognibeni spoke to Nick Sohnemann, founder and host of the Future Candy Podcast, to get some prejudice and superficial knowledge about the metaverse out of the way – an insightful conversation about personal experiences with customer and research projects that paint a picture of how we will integrate the metaverse in our daily work.
Currently, most featured media mentions are only available in German - Stay tuned for more international news coverage!